Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ramu and Rani free essay sample

They worked hard to ensure that their love would continue by Razia fighting with her father for the right to marry the narrator. There is also no thought of ever splitting up, which shows that the love is unconditional. This type of love is only experienced by the lucky. The second type of love is Companionate love, which is experienced by Nathu and his wife Jasho. This is because although they do not experience the same volume of romance and passion as the other two couples, they have been together for a very long time and therefore love each other very much. Although the romance and compassion are not vivid in this relationship, the relationship is mutually beneficial because it helps both of them advance their careers and ensure that they both stay alive and fed. This type of love is a more practical, but largely considered less enjoyable type of love. We will write a custom essay sample on Ramu and Rani or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The final type of love, Philos is experienced between Ramu and Rani. It is a Philos love because Ramu and Rani were very good friends from a very young age, strengthening their bond as friends. As the two grew older they eventually grew into having feelings for each other that neither of them could shake. Their love became unconditional in the sense that they tried to defy the father’s orders and maintain their relationship. A male and female who have known and liked each other for a very long time often experience this type of love. Iqbal Ahmad did a very good job showing the different types of love, and that although they are different and some may be considered better than others, they are all valuable. First is Agape, or true love. Second is Companionate love, which is from being together for so long. Finally, there is Philos love, which is love between two friends. This shows that there are many different types of love.

Monday, November 25, 2019

10 Mothers Day Quotes Reveal Why Moms Nag So Much

10 Mothers Day Quotes Reveal Why Moms Nag So Much Most mothers nag their kids. Maybe it is indoctrinated within a mom the day her baby is born. Or maybe she picks up the habit of constantly advising her child, which takes the tone of nagging when it becomes repetitive. Nagging mothers usually had their own mothers nagging them when they were young. While many mothers believe that all mothers try to reinforce beliefs, values, and discipline through repetitive advice, this form of communication usually goes kaput once the child attains teenage. So Is Nagging a Bad Habit? In a 2015 study conducted by  the University of Essex in England, researchers, who studied that habits of over 15000 teenage girls, found that teenage girls were more likely to avoid teen pregnancy, and less likely to remain unemployed if they had nagging moms to push them harder. Many teenagers who had a higher rate of success in their careers, had a nagging mom to back them.   However, many counselors and child psychologists will tell you that nagging does not help the child to improve his or her behavior. If anything at all, it will only make the child not take onus for his actions. Teaching has to allow the child to learn on his own, without being told to do the right thing. So, the long-term effect of nagging is stress for the mother and poor character development for the child. Beneath Every Critical Word, Is a Mothers Genuine Love True, mothers nag at times. But look at it this way. Would you rather have her ignore you? Would you prefer that she looks the other way when you are walking down a wrong path? You may not like her constantly reminding you of your responsibility, but dont underestimate her love for you. Beneath every word of caution, advice, or criticism is a layer of protective love. She wants you to be happy, successful, and healthy. She is concerned about your wellbeing and spends every waking hour thinking of ways to improve your life. So, if you have a critical mother, dont be annoyed with her. She is, after all, your best friend. Make Your Mother Proud. Its Easy to Please Her. You dont need rich, expensive gifts to please her. All you need to do is follow her advice and be a good person. Respect her views, and understand why she has been tough on you while growing up. Mothers have a soft heart and they are easy to please. Appreciate her hard work, and her sacrifices. Your words of appreciation and your undivided attention is all she wants to know that she is loved. Here is a special collection of Mothers Day  quotes for our boldest and gentlest mothers. If you cant say it with words, say it with these quotes. Oscar WildeAll women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. Thats his. RajneeshThe moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. Agatha ChristieA mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dates all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path. Helen Hunt JacksonMotherhood is priced; Of God, at price no man may dare/To lessen or misunderstand. Barbara KingsolverIt kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didnt. Jewish ProverbGod could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. Abraham LincolnI remember my mothers prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. Mildred B VermontBeing a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love. Henry BickerstethIf the whole world were put into one scale, and my mother in the other, the whole world would kick the beam. Chinese ProverbThere is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Three stages of Emerging Markets in a financial crisis Essay

Three stages of Emerging Markets in a financial crisis - Essay Example Mismanagement of financial liberalization and globalization becomes the major culprit as was evident in Mexico in 1994 as well as many East Asian countries in 1997 (Myeconlab, 2011). In the United States, we sow the seeds of a financial crisis in the emerging market countries as those countries liberalize their financial system. This is done by doing away with restrictions on the financial institutions and markets domestically and opening up the economies to flow of capital and financial firms from other nations. A currency which is fixed against the US dollar becomes subject to a speculative attack, where the speculators engage in the massive sales of the currency. Currency crisis sets in as currency sales floods the market and supply outstrips demand which leads to the value of currency collapsing. Interest rates get high, uncertainty increase and asset prices fall. The emerging market economies denominate several debt contracts in foreign currencies leading to a currency mismatch. The domestic currency depreciation increases the value of debts relative to assets which leads to the decline of the net worth of a firm. This decline then increases adverse selection as well as moral hazard problems. Investment also declines as well as economic activity. Therefore to prevent financial crisis in emerging market certain policies are considered including improving prudential regulation and supervision, limiting currency mismatch as well as seq1uencing financial

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Felix Longorias Wake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Felix Longorias Wake - Essay Example In fact, it states that the wake could not be held because whites would not like it. This event catapulted the fight against discrimination of the Mexican- American overnight. The controversy helped build careers of some politicians while also bringing to an end the life of others. The resultant effect of the action was the fight for recognition. The purpose of the book is to create the picture of the events that occurred in the struggle against racism which includes events surrounding the life of Felix Longoria. The book is organized in a structural way including the development of the plot. The book can be read with ease, but has several repetitions that make it boring for readers especially when rereading the book. The book is essential when addressing the social issues affecting the American society including the current status of the country. It elaborates the issue of racism and the steps undertaken to combat racism. The focus of the book is on the Mexican Americans and their struggle for identity and rights. The book is excellent especially for students studying the American society and the impact of various rights’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reliance on EC Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reliance on EC Law - Essay Example The state will be held liable if it fails to implement the provisions of the EC Directives properly and within the date prescribed for such implementation. Individuals can seek the Court’s intervention, if their rights are breached, due to the non – implementation or improper implementation of Directives, on the basis of the doctrine of state liability. However, in such cases, the violation committed by the state should be of a serious nature2. For instance,the ECJ held in the Angonese case that Article 39 EC is directly effective. This Article deals with the free movement of workers3. The European Court of Justice, through its case law, had established that certain Treaty Articles would have direct effect. However, not all Treaty Articles have that characteristic, and some Articles do not provide rights to individuals. Such Articles, under no circumstances, can have direct effect. The prominent case in this regard was that of Van Duyn v. Home Office4. The principles relating to direct effect were discussed threadbare in this case. The Van Duyn case was chiefly based on Article 39 EC Treaty, which provides for the freedom of movement of workers throughout the community. This Article was designed to have direct effect. In order to have direct effect, a provision must be legally justifiable, or the provision should be deemed to be appropriate, for a court to enforce it. Such provisions should be free of ambiguity for the purpose of enforcement by a Member State5. In Defrenne v Sabena6, the ECJ held that Treaty Articles would have direct effect between individual and the state as well as between two private individuals7. Dev, a school teacher, applied for seven days paid leave in March 2008, which was refused on the grounds that he was eligible for only three days, in accordance with the Study and Training Act. Dev can take recourse to EU law for claiming seven days paid leave. He can file a case in the national courts against the

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Relationship Between Centripetal Force And Velocity Environmental Sciences Essay

The Relationship Between Centripetal Force And Velocity Environmental Sciences Essay Investigate the relationship between centripetal force and velocity in circular motion, when a stopper is swung with a string in which different weight hangers are attached to. DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING According to Mr. Isaac Newton, an objects natural state of motion is to stay at rest if its already at rest or to continue in linear, uniform motion unless its subjected to a net, external force. This means that if an object is moving at constant velocity (or speed) in a straight line, it will continue to move in a straight line, at that same velocity, unless some outside force changes its motion in some way. So in order for an object to move in a circular path, some force is needed to pull it away from the straight-line trajectory it wants to follow (i.e., its natural state of motion). Some force needs to pull the rotating object in at every single point along its circular path in order for it continue moving in a circular fashion (instead of allowing it to follow its natural state of motion)[1]. If an object moves in a circular path there must be centripetal Force acting on it. In this experiment we will investigate the relationship between centripetal force and velocity. Next we will show how our raw data is going to be manipulated: Initially we will show T for 20 revolutions, at each trial. Subsequently the average for 20 revolutions will be calculated (based on 3 trials). Using this averaged value we will calculate the period of 1 revolution. In this process we will have to divide the uncertainty in time by 20. Details about uncertainty calculation will be added later on. Next we are going to calculate the average linear speed, v, of the stopper for each mass of the weight hanger. We will include a sample calculation. We must remember that we used a fixed radius of 0.5 meters. We have to bear in mind that we will have to add the percentage uncertainty in the radius and the percentage uncertainty on T and add them up when calculating the uncertainty for linear velocity. Theoretically, the centripetal force should be directly proportional to the square of the speed. In order to check this, a column v2 will be added to one of our data tables. When we do that the uncertainties on V must be squared. We will also display a column indicating the centripetal force. We know that the centripetal force is equivalent to weight in this experiment; the weight, in turn, is equal to the tension on the string. When calculating the uncertainty for the resultant force (weight) we took the uncertainty on mass and multiplied it by ten which is the gravity value. In order for us to calculate centripetal force the following formulas will be used: Fc = mv2/ r Fc = W = mg The uncertainties involved with the measurements which have fixed values are: Centimeters: 1cm  ± .05cm Time: 1s  ±0 .005s Mass: 1kg  ± 0.000005kg UNCERTAINTY ON T The uncertainty on T is the same of that on the stopwatch. As we start and stop the stopwatch we must, therefore, double the uncertainty: 2( ±0 .005) =  ±0.01 SAMPLE CALCULATION OF T FOR ONE REVOLUTION OF A MASS OF 0.1 KG Average T for 20 revolutions: 15.3 Average T per revolution: 15.3 / 20 = 0.765 Uncertainty was also divided by 20: ( ±0.01/ 20) =  ±0.0005 As the uncertainty on T was already multiplied by 2 we do not need to double it this time CALCULATING UNCERTAINTY ON VELOCITY FOR 0.1 KG As mentioned earlier now we will have to calculate percentage uncertainties. We will apply the following formula: Percentage uncertainty in radius: (0.05 / 0.5) x 100=  ±1.0% Percentage uncertainty on T for 1 revolution (calculated above): (0.00025/ 0.765) x 100 =  ±0.0326% By adding p the above uncertainties we get the percentage uncertainty for velocity which is  ±1.0326% in this case. In order to obtain the percentage uncertainty for v2 we simply square the uncertainty on v. SAMPLE CALCULATION OF V FOR 0.1 KG v = 2 pi r/T V= = 4.106  ± 1.0326% In addition we will calculate UNCERTAINTY ON MASS The uncertainty on mass was calculated based on the electronic scale used. The uncertainty on the scale was  ±0.05 grams. Since we need the uncertainty in kg we multiply this value by 1000 and we get:  ±0.00005 Table 1 Showing magnitude of resultant force and averaged results Mass (kg) ( ±0.00005) Centripetal Force (N) ( ±0.000005) T for 20 revolutions ( seconds) ( ±0.01) Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 0.100000 1.000000 15.50 14.81 15.56 0.150000 1.500000 13.69 13.80 13.91 0.200000 2.000000 12.31 12.76 12.43 0.250000 2.500000 11.57 11.55 11.61 0.300000 3.000000 10.40 11.20 10.80 0.350000 3.500000 10.38 10.01 10.21 In table 1 we presented the value obtained in each trial for 20 rotations. In table 2, on the other hand, we are going to present the average value of 1 rotation for each mass. By doing so we believe to have increased the accuracy of the results. In order to calculate the uncertainty for 1 oscillation we divided the uncertainties in 20 rotations by 20; as the left-most column (table 2) shows. In spite of that there were cases where the difference between the highest and lowest value obtained were greater than the uncertainty itself. In the cases where this happened we found the differences between these values (highest and lowest) and use it as the uncertainty. Now we will show these differences between higher and lower values. In the three trials for 0.1 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 15.56 14.81 = ± 0.75. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. In the three trials for 0.15 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 13.91 13.69 =  ±0.22. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. In the three trials for 0.2 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 12.76 12.31 =  ±0.45. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. In the three trials for 0.25 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 11.61 11.55 =  ±0.06. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. In the three trials for 0.3 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 10.80 10.20 =  ±0.60. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. In the three trials for 0.35 Kg the difference between the highest and lowest value is: 10.38 10.01 =  ±0.37. Hence this value will be used as the uncertainty as it is greater than the uncertainty in time. Table 2 Preparing the results for graphical analysis T for one revolution (seconds) ( ±0.0005) Absolute Uncertainties ( ± seconds) Percentage uncertainty on T ( ± %) V (m/s) Percentage uncertainty on V ( ± %) V2 (m2/s2) Percentage uncertainty on V2 ( ± %) 0.76500 0.75 0.000653 4.105 1.000653 16.859 1.001306 0.69209 0.22 0.000722 4.537 1.000722 20.857 1.001445 0.62239 0.45 0.000803 5.045 1.000803 25.457 1.001607 0.57880 0.06 0.000864 5.425 1.000864 29.430 1.001729 0.53970 0.60 0.000926 5.818 1.000926 33.846 1.001853 0.51040 0.37 0.000976 6.152 1.000976 37.850 1.001953 Now we will plot square root of centripetal force against V. We will make use of the percentage uncertainty on V to plot the horizontal error bars and the uncertainty on centripetal force to plot the vertical error bars. The uncertainty on centripetal force is  ±0.000005 and, therefore must be squared to give us the uncertainty on. So we have which is equal to  ±0.002236. Thus we have explained how our error bars were calculated. The graph we came across was the following: Graph 1 Showing correlation between and V Not as we were expecting the graph resembles a parabola. We believe that, in order to obtain a straight line we must square both the centripetal force and velocity. This will give us the proportionality found in the formula: F = mv2/ r. We believe that, by plotting this graph we will be able to prove our prediction that the velocity squared is proportional to centripetal force. By plotting the mentioned correlation we get: Graph 2 Showing correlation between Fc and V2 Even though the best linear fit is not a perfect straight line there are no big discrepancies in our results (such as an outlier). The RSME value or the root means square error tells us how far the linear fit is from the plot points. The value of 0.02 is really low and suggests that the best fit is really close to the original data. Also the difference between the possible maximum value and possible minimum value of the spring is so low: Maximum slope: 0.13 Minimum slope: 0.11 Difference: 0.02 So we have the slope of our straight line being: 0.12  ± 0.02 Because the RSME value is low, we can infer that the value obtained is realistic. In addition due to the fact that the best linear fit touches (including or not the error bars) all the data points we can infer that the graph is accurate and, consequently, so are our results. CONCLUSION AND EVALUATION All in all this investigation led to fairly precise results. We do however think that the experiment can be improved in several ways. The following improvements would increase the reliability of the experimental procedure. Among the difficulties involved in the experiment we found, for instance, speed which we did not manage to keep constant when swirling the mass. Every so often the movement of our body would vary the speed at which the mass was being swung. In addition the swing rotation was not constantly a horizontal line. These factors will cause our results to become less accurate. Furthermore we faced some difficulties when swinging the stopper with constant power and speed; sometimes our hands touched the string which was not supposed to be touched during the rotations. The stopwatch delay and the human reaction time also affected our results to some extent. For example in a time of 5 seconds the human reaction time of 0.7 seconds can be very significant in the result as 1.4 seconds are involved in starting and stopping the stopwatch. Therefore these factors together are the responsible for us not obtaining a perfect parabola and consequently a perfect straight line. Moreover we found really ha rd to determine the initial and final point in relation to which the rotations were being counted. This probably led us to miscount the number of rotations. Therefore in some cases we might have had more or less than 20. Many changes could have been made to the experiment to make it more accurate: Setting up a better method of counting the rotations completed by the bung by using more advanced equipment than merely relying on human reactions. Increase the amount of rotations to ensure greater accuracy.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Increase the number of repeats to get a more accurate average.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Set up computer equipment to time the experiment more accurately. This could be done using a motion sensor connected to a data logger (logger pro 3) to record the information.  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By doing the experiment outside uncontrollable factors such as wind can increase friction acting upon the bung and alter the time by small amounts which still make the experiment less accurate. Further work as increased number of repeats could be carried out. In addition, different experiments can be done with increased number of rotations and larger radii. If one decides to investigate the effect of another variable such as radii the experiment will keep the same; the only difference will be that the weight hanger will be kept constant and the radii will vary. If we decided to increase the radii being investigated we would conclude that as the radius increases so would the time to complete 20 rotations for the bung, in a proportion directly related to the increase in distance. This is because we know that F = mv2/ r. Where F = force, m = mass, v = velocity and r = radius. So if r is increased then all the other variables increase in direct proportion to the initial increase. Newtons First Law states that an object travels at constant velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced force. The unbalanced force is the weight in our experiment which increases the force making the sp eed increase because more force is being added. Therefore, this explains why the speed increases. Now we will try to explain our results based on our scientific knowledge. If we draw a free body diagram of what is happening during the experiment we will come to the conclusion that the tension in the string (which is equal to the centripetal force) is being produced by the force of gravity which is acting on the load being used. From graph 2 we see that centripetal force increases in a direct proportion to the square of velocity. This relationship is further explained by the formula: F = Since m and r are kept constant and v is our dependent variable we see that force, in fact, should increase as our experiment suggests. Thus our experiment proves the formula for centripetal force. Looking at the experiment we see that fairly good results were obtained. They, despite the uncertainties, allowed us to prove Hooks Law. Due to the fact that the experiment was dynamic, a few sources of errors affected our results. We see that the curve obtained is pretty close to a straight line which is reinforced by the low RSME value. All in all this tells us that the method is reliable and lead to precise results.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Anorexia and Bulimia :: Causes of Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia

Bulimia nervosa is defined as two or more episodes of binge eating (rapid consumption of a large amount of food, up to 5,000 calories) every week for at least three months. The binges are sometimes followed by vomiting or purging and may alternate with compulsive exercise and fasting. The symptoms can develop at any age from early adolescence to 40, but usually become clinically serious in late adolescence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bulimia is not as dangerous to health as anorexia, but it has many unpleasant physical effects, including fatigue, weakness, constipation, fluid retention, swollen salivary glands, erosion of dental enamel, sore throat from vomiting, and scars on the hand from inducing vomiting. Overuse of laxatives can cause stomach upset and other digestive troubles. Other dangers are dehydration, loss of potassium, and tearing of the esophagus. These eating disorders also occur in men and older women, but much less frequently. Women with diabetes, who have a high rate of bulimia, often lose weight after an eating binge by reducing their dose of insulin. According to recent research, this practice damages eye tissue and raises the risk of diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many anorectic women also indulge in occasional eating binges, and half of them make the transition to bulimia. About 40% of the most severely bulimic patients have a history of anorexia. It is not clear whether the combination of anorexia with bingeing and purging is more debilitating, physically or emotionally, than anorexia alone. According to some research, anorectic women who binge and purge are less stable emotionally and more likely to commit suicide. But one recent study suggests that, on the contrary, they are more likely to recover.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The exact cause of the disorder is unknown, but a variety of psychological, social, cultural, familial and biochemical theories are being investigated. Bulimia has been recognized for a much shorter time than anorexia, and there is less research on its origins. One theory is that bulimic women lack all the parental affection and involvement they need and soothe them with food as compensation. The overeating subdues feelings of which they are barely conscious, at the price of later shame and self-hatred. One recent study found that bulimic women differed from depressed and anxious women in several ways. They were more likely to be overweight, to have overweight parents, and to have begun menstruating early. They were also more likely to say that their parents had high expectations for them but limited contact with them.